Hi ,
Time passes very fast ...now i'm 20+ .... living in this world ...since born as a virgin , holly and with a kind heart ......but now ...everything was change ....i'm change ....and totallly change ....but i still have a humble and kind heart ..... mmmm but i'm not virgin anymore ...i had been fuck by many man ...young and old man ....all of them is ham sap lou ....only want pussy ....but i also enjoy the fuck ..... some fuck make me pain and some make me satisy and shout with joy ....so nice man .....
I'm really lost ......why i lost ? where is my religion ...i'm have a good religion background but my family background not good. i came from a trouble and bad background ....I'm growth in hell .....my childhood is bad memory for me ....a lot bad , hurt , and pain .....I felt like dont have home ....where is my home ???
continue ....................next post
pity u..pretty much understand what have u gone thru so far..just wanna say that u r still young, it is never too late to change..i know that u know that deep down inside of u, u are better than this, u r a good girl..believe in ur self, u can do it...take gud care of urself & ur mom..peace!
batter write in malay the english.. here we.. go..
Yang sudah tu sudah dan yang lepas tu biarkan lepas.. jikalau ade kehendak disitu ade jalan, ini mungkin ujian utk kamu di dunia.. harungi dia dengan tabah.. dan kalu nak berubah.. biar buat betul2 jgn separuh jalan, nak berubah bukan senang it no easy to change... we may say it like it was easy but in the other hand its hard.. take it slowly not fast pasal nanti kena shock in life susah gak tu.. hehehehe peace ..
I'm tried ....
life is not a bed of roses. Some are born lucky and they have everything but some have to struggle. Don't give up hope b'cos in every darkest cloud u'll see a lightning coming
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