Sunday, January 31, 2010
Perempuan Melayu Cepat kahwin
Saya tengok ramai perempuan melayu masih muda dah bergelar isteri , cepat juga mereka nak kahwin ni ? mengapa agaknya ? sekarang zaman moden perempuan tak boleh terlalu mengharap kepada Jantan . Antara sebabnya mungkin nak elakkan maksiat dan dosa ....mmmm.....(no comment)
Perkahwinan merupakan satu ikatan dan bagaikan kontrak .Tapi pada perkahwinan sering berlakunya kecurangan .Dalam perkahwinan Islam poligami dihalalkan , iaitu C jantan boleh berkahwian < 4 orang isteri . Untung juga lelaki ni dapat rasa banyak perasa. Kaum perempuan pula :(
Pada zaman moden ni , banyak perkahwian berakhir dengan perceraian , dan akibat daripada itu kedua-dua pihak memikul gelaran baru . C lelaki (duda) dan perempuan (Janda) .Gelaran ini akan jenggal dan kurang sedap .
Pihak yang menerima kerugian ialah perempuan , hal ini kerana mahkota mereka dah dirampas oleh bekas suami dan menjadikan saham mereka turut jatuh . Manakala lelaki tak rugi langsung .Senjata mereka masih seperti sediakala .
Cuba engkau fikirkan kalau ko bakal peristerikan janda apa kata orang ????
Nasihat saya kaum perempuan jangan kahwin dahulu , kumpul duit dan pastikan career dah kukuh baru kahwin kalau tak ....nanti engkau kena tunggu bantuan JPM....huhu
Black man Hunter
What you think about them ? black with big dick ?the face is scared and fierce .....etc ....I saw that many balck man hunter in Malaysia , most of the black man hunter for chubby and matured woman ....why ??? we have to ask them ....maybe nice fuck and only chubby pussy can let their big penis in ....>.<
Is it black man penis big , some of my friend said she tried one black man before , not try but she raped by the man in black ...fuck ...if i see the man ...i will boxing and make sure his penis become disable .....hahaha.... My friend told me the black man penis is long but not very big lol ....hehe ....maybe for she not big gua .....whatever .......
I noticed around the around the black man will couple with chubby malay .....have you read a news the black man cheat chubby malay girl money her to fou and small sister still want cheat her money .....hey better you see the mirror how you looked ? Man in Black ......yeah i know maybe the fellow tergila-gilakan your big and black penis must happy and appreciate lol asian woman love you.
Hey girl, becareful when you know black man either form internet or outside , dont let them eat you senang2 , dont let them cheat you money ....You cheat them , not they cheat you ....wink wink.....
Hey hey hey ....i dont mean all black man not good but some of them is good looking too heheh ....really wan try them soon ...hehehe ...will smith ...maybe i will consider hehe
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Missed My Childhood
I really missed my childhood , GOD can i go back to the time?
I dont have a happy chilhood memory , i came from a poor and not prefect family . But i'm lucky compared to some other people . My dad is pilih kasih ...he have is play man ...he have many woman outside there and got many children mean i have many step siblings.
Last night i really angry with my brother but after i saw above photos , i suddenly remember our childhood memory , i suddenly want cry and missed them alot ....since i was 17 leaving the home .....i seldom go back there ...i just go back 2 times ...really sad .
when i was kids , my second brother and me follow my mum went to farm , that time my young brother havent born ...i seldom quarrel with my brother . we love each other ..that time we really poor . and my dad not with us , he with his new wife . ....i still remember got one times we dont have rice , my mum said we dont rice to eat soon because no money ...( Mum i really missed and love you) , when we dont have rice my mum will ask me go to our neighbour house ask rice ...the neighbour are my grandfather ex workers , Thanks GOD they give us some rice .
I must do something and give my mum a good life .
With Love ,
Miss Casanova
(photo from :
(photo from
Last night i really angry with my brother but after i saw above photos , i suddenly remember our childhood memory , i suddenly want cry and missed them alot ....since i was 17 leaving the home .....i seldom go back there ...i just go back 2 times ...really sad .
when i was kids , my second brother and me follow my mum went to farm , that time my young brother havent born ...i seldom quarrel with my brother . we love each other ..that time we really poor . and my dad not with us , he with his new wife . ....i still remember got one times we dont have rice , my mum said we dont rice to eat soon because no money ...( Mum i really missed and love you) , when we dont have rice my mum will ask me go to our neighbour house ask rice ...the neighbour are my grandfather ex workers , Thanks GOD they give us some rice .
I must do something and give my mum a good life .
With Love ,
Miss Casanova
My Mum
Hi folk how you all doing ? got miss me d petite dude ? hohoho was your life today ? hope everything fine. Yesterday i had a bad dream . I really scared . Not scared of Ghost but scared i will lost someone who i love and care . After i get up from my dream i faster pray to GOD and hold my bible . I really scared . I think some of you exprienced it before right .
Mmmm....i did i lot sins , i'm not holy in GOD eyes . please forgive me ...
Yesterday around 7:20 pm my dear mum sms me and ask when i will go back for chinese new year ... then i called she and asking where she now ?she told me she still in farm waiting for my young brother to pick she go back ....but its too late already ..i really worried for my mother and just keep pray to GOD . She asked me to call my dad , she said my dad looked like fell not well .mmmm but i dont know how to face my dad and no topics for both of us .
After one hour i called back my mum , she said she still in farm ....what The Fuck ....what to my brother why she still not pick my mother .....the car is belong to my mum mum paid the car every month but she not enjoy used the car . she give the car to my brother because she love my brother ....and my mum just take public bus when she went to farm ...i really pity of my mother mum not enjoy her life ....i really want help she but i also not rich .....:(
My brother just succeed fetch my mum around 9 but almost 10pm ....Oh my GOD why and what happened to my brother ,,,, he is selfish .....he is stupid ...he help other people and become driver to other people but not able to help my mother ...such are useless animals ....GOD i hope..mmm not hope i want become a good boy to and good society . I love them . please GOD
Mmmm....i did i lot sins , i'm not holy in GOD eyes . please forgive me ...
Yesterday around 7:20 pm my dear mum sms me and ask when i will go back for chinese new year ... then i called she and asking where she now ?she told me she still in farm waiting for my young brother to pick she go back ....but its too late already ..i really worried for my mother and just keep pray to GOD . She asked me to call my dad , she said my dad looked like fell not well .mmmm but i dont know how to face my dad and no topics for both of us .
After one hour i called back my mum , she said she still in farm ....what The Fuck ....what to my brother why she still not pick my mother .....the car is belong to my mum mum paid the car every month but she not enjoy used the car . she give the car to my brother because she love my brother ....and my mum just take public bus when she went to farm ...i really pity of my mother mum not enjoy her life ....i really want help she but i also not rich .....:(
My brother just succeed fetch my mum around 9 but almost 10pm ....Oh my GOD why and what happened to my brother ,,,, he is selfish .....he is stupid ...he help other people and become driver to other people but not able to help my mother ...such are useless animals ....GOD i hope..mmm not hope i want become a good boy to and good society . I love them . please GOD
Scared Dream
"Dream is Dream, can it be real? nobody know? Only GOD know"
(Photos from :
"Dream can give you lesson"
"Dream can teach you"
"Dream can change you"
"Dream can mek you scared"
Friday, January 29, 2010
Orang Gemuk Rendah Diri & Diketepikan
Gemuk .......salah sapa ...salah dirisendir sebab kuat makan, tak pandai control makan , nafsu kuat , waris keturunan dan takdir .... Bagaimanapula dengan yang kurus kuat makan tapi masih kurus-kurus lagi . Mungkin nasib mereka baik kot ....daya metabolisme mereka active tak seperti C gemuk .... :(
Kanak-Kanak yang gemuk mungkin sering diejek dan buli oleh rakan sekolah .Kesannya mengganggu emosi kanak tersebut dan menyebabkan mereka rendah diri . Waktu saya sekolah menengah ...saya sering dibuli oleh budak bajau dan suluk (sabahan ) ....mereka turut menggelar saya Rakishi (WWF) ahli gusti gempal yang kacukan negro . Mereka tak sedar diri mereka ...sudah lah hitam , wajah pun hodoh dan pelajaran pun teruk masih nak menghina. waktu tu saya memang tak tahan dan tertekan .Macam tak nak pergi ke sekolah itu .tapi saya terpaksa pergi juga .saya asyik kena buli dan pernak beberapa kali budak lelaki anak bajau menampar dan memukul saya ...saya nak lawan tapi mampu sangat ...sebab budak2 bajau tu ada geng ...terpaksalah kena pukul oleh mereka. Malahan pondan juga mentertawa dan menghina saya ... Hairan juga saya ...(engkau tu pondan ,bukannya sempurna sangat)..... kesan ini menyebabkan saya rendah diri dan menjadi pendiam .
Tapi kini semuanya berubah , saya menjadi semakin cantik .BigBeautiful Woman (BBW) walaupun badan saya tak gemuk sangat pada masa ini . tapi sikap rendah diri masih ada dan adakala bila teringat waktu lampau , saya sangat benci kepada mereka . Orang kampung tak tahu malu .
Saya hairan kenapa orang nak diskriminasi orang gemuk , kenapa orang gemuk tak boleh kerja ke ?apabila melihat artis gemuk yang dibubarkan contract kerana gemuk ...saya geram dan tiba2 menjadi tak ada keyakinan .Mereka tu cantik tapi gemuk kenapa nak pecat mereka . Dia masih mampu melakukan pekerjaannya .ish ish ...harap2 nanti orang yang pecat dan pandang rendah dengan orang gemuk akan dapat rasa apa yang dirasa oleh orang gemuk macam kami .
"Fat is not fault , Only you make it fault"
"Fat is not sins "Bakar Gereja
Polis telah dapat menangkap suspek2 yang disyaki membakar Gereja Metro Tabernacle awal januari lalu .....aku ingatkan sapa .....depan nama dia "raja "...ingat orang kerabat diraja .....rupa-rupa bukan ...hanya rakyat jelata je .....apa pekerjaan dia ? profesional ??? mmmmm bukan .....tapi hanya penghantar surat ...... not educated that why they did it . Terlalu ikut emosi mungkin orang tu ....
Entah la knapa nama makbapa diorang bagi first nama dua beradik tu Raja jangan nak kotorkan nama kerabat diraja .
Agama Islam tak ajar penganutnya mebakar rumah ibadat penganut lain atau pun membunuh .....tapi segelintir penganut yang salah tafsir dan sesat melakukannya . Jihad disalah ertikan oleh penganut sesat ni .....JI , Abu sayap & lain2 penganut yg sesat . Insaf la ...Islam tak ajar umatnya bom bangunan dan penggal kepala orang . Kalau nak penggal .penggal kepala awak je ...jangan kotorkan nama Islam .Kononnya demi Islam , tapi demi diri sendiri .
Disebabkan ereka Islam dianggap agama ganas dan pengganas oleh negara barat .
Entah la knapa nama makbapa diorang bagi first nama dua beradik tu Raja jangan nak kotorkan nama kerabat diraja .
Agama Islam tak ajar penganutnya mebakar rumah ibadat penganut lain atau pun membunuh .....tapi segelintir penganut yang salah tafsir dan sesat melakukannya . Jihad disalah ertikan oleh penganut sesat ni .....JI , Abu sayap & lain2 penganut yg sesat . Insaf la ...Islam tak ajar umatnya bom bangunan dan penggal kepala orang . Kalau nak penggal .penggal kepala awak je ...jangan kotorkan nama Islam .Kononnya demi Islam , tapi demi diri sendiri .
Disebabkan ereka Islam dianggap agama ganas dan pengganas oleh negara barat .
Janda bertudung horny and tamak
Janda ni bekerja kat sebuah boutique kat shah alam .Dia dah bercerai dengan bekas suami . Katanya suami dia asyik pukul and tak bagi dia pocket money .so dia tak tahan and divorced .....
Janda ni jadikan boutique tempat dia kerja untuk pancing ikan besar ....tunggu tunggu ....akhirnya ikan besar pun muncul ...ikan ni dari negara asia tengah dan menetap di negara barat ....pocket dia pun boleh tahan juga ....bila janda ni nampak ikan besar ni sporting je berbelanja dengan wang2 dalm pocket dia ...mata dan hati janda ni pun terbuka .... mula la ......minta no and bual kosong ....hari2 janda ini sms and call ikan besar ini ..... lelaki mana tak nak free meal.....ambil je la ...yg penting "adik puas & tak lapar" ......
Baru je kenal tak sampai seminggu janda ni dah berani bermalam kat rumah ikan besar ni ....tapi ikan ini mash boleh control ......belum tunjk belang ...tapi adik janda tu dah lapar lol ....(knp ikan ni masih belum tunjuk weapon dia ) .......
Dah tiba masa untuk ikan besar ni balik ke pangkuan isteri isteri asyik mengesa2....akhirnya ikan besar pun balik ke tempat dia kat australia . janda masih tak berputus asa ....niat dia belum lagi terpadam .....akhirnya ikan besar pun beli ticket and jemput c janda ni ke australia ..kat janda ni die kesempitan wang nak dtang ke australia nak kerja dengan ikan besar ni .....tapi dalam hati .....nak korek pocket .....
Miss janda pun sampai nak tinggal serummah dengan ikan besar . Aysik2 berdua-duaan ......" abang nampak adik" laki 2 mana tak horny .....hentam je la ...... akhirnya si janfa berjaya di shot oleh ikan besar ni ........ Kehidupan seharian seperti suami isteri ....Isteri yang sah x menerima selayanan sebegitu ini pula c janda ....
Si Itseri akhirnya dapat hidu bau hubungan mereka .....c ikan besar diarah untuk buat pilihan ....laki mesti la nak wang and pompuan ....klu aku cerai dgn isteri ...kesemua wang akan jadi milik isteri aku . mungkin pompuan pun tak akan pandang aku nasib baik ikan besar ini waras ...akhirnya dia pilih c isteri dan tinggalkan si janda ....
Tapi c janda masih tak putus asa ...asyik2 nak nak je .........pakai tudung tapi ....pussy dia tak pakai tudung ... sapa ada duit bole visit my pussy .....nak bananan yg besar je ...... ...(buka je la tudung u tu )
"wanita bertudung tak semestinya beriman ,wanita islam yang beriman wajib bertudung"
Janda ni jadikan boutique tempat dia kerja untuk pancing ikan besar ....tunggu tunggu ....akhirnya ikan besar pun muncul ...ikan ni dari negara asia tengah dan menetap di negara barat ....pocket dia pun boleh tahan juga ....bila janda ni nampak ikan besar ni sporting je berbelanja dengan wang2 dalm pocket dia ...mata dan hati janda ni pun terbuka .... mula la ......minta no and bual kosong ....hari2 janda ini sms and call ikan besar ini ..... lelaki mana tak nak free meal.....ambil je la ...yg penting "adik puas & tak lapar" ......
Baru je kenal tak sampai seminggu janda ni dah berani bermalam kat rumah ikan besar ni ....tapi ikan ini mash boleh control ......belum tunjk belang ...tapi adik janda tu dah lapar lol ....(knp ikan ni masih belum tunjuk weapon dia ) .......
Dah tiba masa untuk ikan besar ni balik ke pangkuan isteri isteri asyik mengesa2....akhirnya ikan besar pun balik ke tempat dia kat australia . janda masih tak berputus asa ....niat dia belum lagi terpadam .....akhirnya ikan besar pun beli ticket and jemput c janda ni ke australia ..kat janda ni die kesempitan wang nak dtang ke australia nak kerja dengan ikan besar ni .....tapi dalam hati .....nak korek pocket .....
Miss janda pun sampai nak tinggal serummah dengan ikan besar . Aysik2 berdua-duaan ......" abang nampak adik" laki 2 mana tak horny .....hentam je la ...... akhirnya si janfa berjaya di shot oleh ikan besar ni ........ Kehidupan seharian seperti suami isteri ....Isteri yang sah x menerima selayanan sebegitu ini pula c janda ....
Si Itseri akhirnya dapat hidu bau hubungan mereka .....c ikan besar diarah untuk buat pilihan ....laki mesti la nak wang and pompuan ....klu aku cerai dgn isteri ...kesemua wang akan jadi milik isteri aku . mungkin pompuan pun tak akan pandang aku nasib baik ikan besar ini waras ...akhirnya dia pilih c isteri dan tinggalkan si janda ....
Tapi c janda masih tak putus asa ...asyik2 nak nak je .........pakai tudung tapi ....pussy dia tak pakai tudung ... sapa ada duit bole visit my pussy .....nak bananan yg besar je ...... ...(buka je la tudung u tu )
"wanita bertudung tak semestinya beriman ,wanita islam yang beriman wajib bertudung"
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Arab man hunter

Arab man ....mmmmm ...what you think ??? maybe thinking they are islamic ....nice man ....bias to woman .....outdate ...and whatever ......but most of the chater and net friend came from arab ...i really dont like when they send or add me ......some of them good look but some of them ...mmmmm .....
Most of the arab man came to Malaysia or Thailand for one reason sex we know Thailand known as a sex industry country nowwonder most of the sex hunter around the world visit the country .
Some of them are married but they still hunter ...and hunter to overseas ...they lied their family said visit friend but they visit the prostitutes ....some of them have girlfriend but never fuck their girl pussy only fuck ass this young man take this advantages come and fuck d prostitutes pussy .. to lepaskan their banana hunger ....
Arab become jahiliah dy of young man told me ..."life must be drinking everyday and fucking ....chatting in internet , watch movie , pray is bull shit" ...... ...ic ....mmm he gonna be a jahiliah man come he can become like that . As i know arab country is islam country . where is the rule ? what happened to them . maybe he still young and dont know thinking .
Hey young man drinking is satan and make you stupid
Who have big BOOBs
Hey man what attract you most ? face ? figure? make-up , dress? or big boobs?? of course big boobs ……the man dont care how u look when they see yummy boobs .Because the man is hamsap …so this is advantages for those have big boobs .
I always survey who boobs big? chinese , malay or indian ? and the winner is malay .
although the malay looked like alim2 but when u see their boobs …your liur will come out because they have big boobs lol ….most of the malay girl who working in pub have a super big boobs and nice for touch and kiss….this is their senjata when want ask the customer open beer or give them tips ….so the stupid man willl gau gau ….”okok amboi pg buka” ….the chinese also lost lol becuase some of them not dare to show their aset …..hahaha…amboi working is like that lol ….u dare then you win lol …. you scared then u lost lol …

Malaysian chinese not really open minded but china girl …..walao …banyak syiok …fair skin , big boobs and nice body ….can ou imagine …..mmmm….yummy ….so sweet when kiss and suck their boobs and tits …..
ok whatever …everyone hv different taste …some like big and some like small ….but for me i prefer big …..muaks …..
I always survey who boobs big? chinese , malay or indian ? and the winner is malay .

although the malay looked like alim2 but when u see their boobs …your liur will come out because they have big boobs lol ….most of the malay girl who working in pub have a super big boobs and nice for touch and kiss….this is their senjata when want ask the customer open beer or give them tips ….so the stupid man willl gau gau ….”okok amboi pg buka” ….the chinese also lost lol becuase some of them not dare to show their aset …..hahaha…amboi working is like that lol ….u dare then you win lol …. you scared then u lost lol …

Malaysian chinese not really open minded but china girl …..walao …banyak syiok …fair skin , big boobs and nice body ….can ou imagine …..mmmm….yummy ….so sweet when kiss and suck their boobs and tits …..
ok whatever …everyone hv different taste …some like big and some like small ….but for me i prefer big …..muaks …..

Hi ,
Time passes very fast i'm 20+ .... living in this world ...since born as a virgin , holly and with a kind heart ......but now ...everything was change ....i'm change ....and totallly change ....but i still have a humble and kind heart ..... mmmm but i'm not virgin anymore ...i had been fuck by many man ...young and old man ....all of them is ham sap lou ....only want pussy ....but i also enjoy the fuck ..... some fuck make me pain and some make me satisy and shout with joy nice man .....
I'm really lost ......why i lost ? where is my religion ...i'm have a good religion background but my family background not good. i came from a trouble and bad background ....I'm growth in hell childhood is bad memory for me ....a lot bad , hurt , and pain .....I felt like dont have home ....where is my home ???
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