One of my friend told me about his unsatisfy sex life... He complained his wife not give him blow job. Lying there like a wood . He felt like make love with wood . He did everything .. his wife no action , no scream , just on the bed not move . Most of my man friend used to complain about this. Their wife not move .... wood is the words describe them .I think i had post regarding this few month ago ...maybe last month or .....
Back to his story , today he complained to me . He is going to find a girl who willing to do blow job for him . His wife not willing to give him , only let his dick screw her pussy but not give his dick warm up .
Some women don't know blow job is important for man and some of them only get hard after blow job. No blow job no hard . Some man can last for long hour after blow job.
The women don't like give blow job because they feel like dirty , shame .........dirty ....why not ask him wash first , take bath with him then pamper his dick with you lovely mouth .Do you want he looking for another women . fuck and licking another women ....Another women give him blow job ....which one you want ... share your man or give him blow job ????

So is he asking YOU to give him one?
he want i do for him .... but ..... so i not do for him ..
How about do for me then? :D
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